Journal Information
Vol. 221. Issue 10.
Pages 561-618 (December 2021)
Sumario en español
Original articles
External validation of the European and American equations for calculating cardiovascular risk in a Spanish working population
I. Moral Peláez, C. Brotons Cuixart, D. Fernández Valverde, M. Puig Palma, E. Calvo Bonacho, P. Martínez Muñoz, C. Catalina Romero, L.J. Quevedo Aguado
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:561-8
Adherence to the Mediterranean diet in health personnel from the province of Las Palmas
S. González-Sosa, J.J. Ruiz-Hernández, S. Domínguez-Rivero, E. Águila-Fernández, D. Godoy-Díaz, S. Santana-Báez, A. Puente-Fernández, A. Conde-Martel
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:569-75
Characterization of the hypertriglyceridemic waist phenotype in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Spain: an epidemiological study
I. Miñambres, J. Sánchez-Hernandez, G. Cuixart, A. Sánchez-Pinto, J. Sarroca, A. Pérez
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:576-81
Brief original
Performance of the case definition of suspected influenza before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
E. Murillo-Zamora, C.M. Hernández-Suárez
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:582-6
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on a cohort of patients with vein occlusion
J.D. García Palacios, N. Puente Ruiz, J.J. Napal Lecumberri, J.L. Hernández Hernández
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:587-91
Caution with the use of dexamethasone in patients with COVID-19 in its initial phases
J.L. Callejas Rubio, I. Aomar Millan, M. Moreno-Higueras, L. Martín Ripoll, E. Yuste Osorio, R. Ríos-Fernández
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:592-5
Estimation of vascular risk: Time and place matter
J.I. Cuende, C. Guijarro
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:596-7
Medicine with our head in the clouds or our feet on the ground
A. Ruiz Cantero, L.A. Cámera
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:598-9
HBV infection is a risk factor for chronic kidney disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis
F. Fabrizi, R. Cerutti, F.M. Donato, P. Messa
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:600-11
Medicine in images
Emphysematous cystitis
M.J. Igúzquiza Pellejero, I. Torres Courchoud, M.E. Navarro Aguilar
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:612
Calcified atrial myxoma
J. Rodríguez Prida, M. Izquierdo Romero, B. Palomo Antequera
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:613
What are we talking about when we talk about post-COVID-19?
E. Cairoli
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:614-6
Professor Manuel Serrano Ríos (Málaga, 1935–Madrid, 2021): A shining example of the internal medicine physician-scientist
A. Corbatón-Anchuelo, M.T. Martínez-Larrad, R. Gómez-Huelgas
Rev Clin Esp. 2021;221:617-8
Revista Clínica Española (English Edition)